Certified Instructors under Guro Daniel Inosanto
Certified Instructors under Guro Daniel Inosanto
Jeet Kune Do Concepts is a registered trademark and is not open for public use. To be an official instructor of Jeet Kune Do Concepts requires a person to be certified as a legitimate Jeet Kune Do Concepts instructor. Only those individuals who have continually maintained their certification under Guro Dan Inosanto are legitimate instructors of Jeet Kune Do Concepts.
We are aware that there are individuals claiming to be J.K.D. instructors or instructors under the Inosanto Academy who have no right to make such bold claims. These individuals are using the J.K.D. Concepts and Inosanto names in an attempt to promote themselves and gain credibility through the use of these names. Some have no training whatsoever, and others have received various degrees of legitimate training as a student but still have no right or claim to represent Jeet Kune Do Concepts or the Inosanto Academy.
There are also individuals who were previously certified but have allowed their training and certification to expire and are no-longer able to teach the curriculum. Unfortunately, there are also individuals who were previously certified but have had their certification revoked through actions unbecoming of someone representing Jeet Kune Do Concepts or the Inosanto Academy of Martial Arts.
The following list of people are currently certified instructors under Guro Dan Inosanto who are certified from the Queensland Australia branches of the Inosanto Academy:
Based in Queensland, from PMAAI HQ
Cookie Vassiliou
Q Vassiliou
Adam Kirk
Aldo Massimissa
Andrew Dean
Anthony Sheehy
Ben Wittkopp
Brendon Werth
Casey Kaurila
Chris Kuzewicz
Christian Brown
Cian Loweke
Claudin Roa
Daniel Land
Dave Shaw
Dominique Novic
Dinh Huynh
David Shukker
Erika Engstrom
Giada Fossati
Glen Arnold
Jack Ferguson
Jack McPherson
James Donnelly
Jason McKell
Jason Morris
Junior Vassiliou
Kam Aghtan
Laura Jo Morris
Louie McHugh
Mark Draper
Matt Coates
Matthew Bowerman
Michael Kelly
Mitchell Jack
Nick Land
Nick Massimissa
Pappy Walters
Quinn Sullivan
Reece Venville
Ryan Ferguson
Stephen Browning
Stephen Georgiou
Terri Du Plessis
Todd Davis
Vaughan Wardlaw
Based in Western Australia
Based in New Zealand
Dave Braty
Based in England
David Metcalf
Based in Singapore
Kevin Pinkerton
Based in Korea
Jay Jong Hak Kim
Based in Melbourne
Bruce McCullough
Based in Cairns
Scott Rawson
Toni Rawson
Other Claimants
Individuals who are not listed above may be certified from branches outside of Queensland. If an individual or school is claiming to teach Jeet Kune Do Concepts, Jeet Kune Do, J.K.D., or claims to represent the Inosanto Academy of Martial Arts or Progressive Martial Arts Academy International and is not listed above we ask that you please contact us to confirm who these people are and their level of claim, if any, towards representing Jeet Kune Do Concepts, the Inosanto Academy of Martial Arts, or Progressive Martial Arts Academy International.